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All job titles currently in use by agencies under the Governor’s jurisdiction and the corresponding pay scale group assigned to each title are available through the online version of the classification and pay plan
Each job in the classification and pay plan is assigned to a pay schedule (pay scale type) and pay scale group within the schedule.  Most pay scale group assignments a​re on the Standard schedule. The assignment of jobs to other pay schedules listed below is based on the specific nature of the work or collective bargaining. 
Historic copies of the standard pay schedule are available from: 20​2320222021202020192018, 20172016, 2014, 20132012, 2010, 2009, 20082006, 2005, 2003, 2002, 2001                

Contact Us

For questions about pay-related transactions, contact the HR Service Center at 877.242.6007. For all other classification or compensations questions, contact OA-Organization Management at 717.787.6154.