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Filling Positions: Additional Information

This page contains information about senior level appointments, annuitants, furlough placement and the Temporary Clerical Pool. 

Senior Level Appointments

Management Directive 515.16 provides more information about the appointment of senior level positions.
When you are appointing a new employee to a senior level position, you should use the senior level requests (SLR) application to gain approval from the Office of Administration and the Governor’s Office. The Office of Inspector General will perform a background check as part of this approval process if it is necessary.
Contact OA, Human Resources and Management (717.787.8191) to gain access to the SLR application or if you have questions about the process. Contact the HR Service Center, Business Information and Support Division (877.242.6007, Option 4) for technical assistance with the online system.


When hiring an annuitant, use the CAR-A form to submit your request for approval. See the Personnel Rules (MD 505.7), section 7.25 for more information about rehiring annuitants.

Furlough Placement

Furlough placement can be a complicated process. See the Act 71 of 2018, Civil Service Reform, for more information. Contact OA-Talent Acquisition and Planning, Staffing Services at 717.787.5703 with questions regarding the furlough hiring process.

Furlough Templates  

  • The furlough check template should be used for a generic check for furloughees, non-civil service or civil service.
  • The furlough clearance template should be used to check for furloughees for actions involving current commonwealth employees going into pay scale groups 1-5 and equivalent pay scale groups for Corrections positions. Actions include: promotions, demotions, transfers, reassignments, and changes from wage to salary. (It is not required for reclassifications, furlough recall, or furlough placement. In these instances, insert the appropriate code into SAP when entering the action.) Include the candidate's name in the subject line of the e-mail.
  • The candidate CAR template should be used for the same actions identified under the furlough clearance template involving current commonwealth employees going into pay scale groups 6, 7, and 8 and equivalent pay scale groups for Corrections positions. Include the candidate's name in the subject line of the email.

This information regarding the furlough placement process may be provided to employees.

Temporary Clerical Pool

If you are interested in filling a temporary clerical position within your agency, use the TCP work order form to submit your request. To extend your work order, use the TCP work order extension form. Agencies are encouraged to use the TCP database to run reports regarding employees in their agency.
Supervisors within your agency are encouraged to fill out an employee evaluation for any TCP employees. The online employee evaluation form is located on a secure site. Follow these instructions to access the site.
TCP employees who are interested in job opportunities can use the online job postings list and bid form. The job postings and bid form are located on a secure site. Follow these instructions to access the site.
For more information about the Temporary Clerical Pool, contact OA-Talent Acquisition and Planning, Staffing Services at 717.783.3917.